

A New Promising Pathway for Depression Recovery:Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 1 billion people worldwide are currently struggling with mental disorders, with one person losing their life to suicide every 40 seconds. In low and middle-income countries, 77% of global suicide deaths occur.

Depression, also known as major depressive disorder, is a common and recurrent mental disorder.It is characterized by persistent feelings of sadness, loss of interest or pleasure in activities once enjoyed, disruptions in sleep and appetite, and in severe cases, can lead to pessimism, hallucinations, and suicidal tendencies.


The pathogenesis of depression is not fully understood, with theories involving neurotransmitters, hormones, stress, immunity, and brain metabolism. High levels of stress from various sources, including academic pressure and competitive environments, can contribute to the development of depression, especially in children and adolescents.

One of a significant factor in anxiety and depression is cellular hypoxia, caused from Chronic activation of the sympathetic nervous system leads to hyperventilation and reduced oxygen intake.Which means hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be an new pathway in treating depression.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves breathing pure oxygen under elevated atmospheric pressure. It enhances blood oxygen levels, diffusion distance within tissues, and corrects hypoxic pathology changes.Compared to traditional treatments, high-pressure oxygen therapy offers fewer side effects, faster onset of efficacy, and a shorter treatment duration. It can be integrated with medication and psychotherapy to enhance treatment outcomes synergistic-ally.


Studies  have demonstrated the benefits of high-pressure oxygen therapy in improving depressive symptoms and cognitive function post-stroke. It enhances clinical outcomes, cognitive function, and is considered safe for widespread clinical application.
The therapy can also complement existing treatments. In a study involving 70 depressed patients, combined medication and high-pressure oxygen therapy showed rapid and significant improvement in depression recovery , with fewer adverse effects.

In conclusion, hyperbaric oxygen therapy holds promise as a new pathway for the treatment of depression, providing rapid relief with minimal side effects and improving overall treatment efficacy.

Post time: Jul-18-2024